Wednesday 6 November 2013

I am the Walrus!

I have mixed feelings about the natural history museum in Tring. On the one hand it fills me with such sadness seeing so many animals staring out of their display cabinets with such lifeless eyes, (all though I don't suppose it's any worse then seeing a stuffed pope in a glass cabinet which I did when I visited the Vatican many years ago), but on the other hand it's one of the few places you can get some idea of what so many animals actually looked liked that are now extinct.

I went there today because I wanted to see what a seal leopard looked like. I'd read about these ferocious predators that attack both seals and humans alike, with their razor sharp teeth in Scott's diary, but since you can only see them in the Antarctic (which I'm hardly ever likely to go to) & they're never going to appear in a zoo (imagine feeding time, with the keepers throwing a baby seal to them! ) this was the only place that could satisfactorily resolve my curiosity...

As you scroll down to look at the pictures, see if you can spot the Dodo's.


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