Wednesday 21 July 2004

What kind of superhero are you?

On the Johnathan Ross show last Saturday on radio 2, Johnathan said that he had recently ordered some pyjamas off the internet, but when they arrived he found to his dismay that the sleeves were slightly shorter then his arms.

So this started him off on one of his highly imaginitive-monologues, where he concluded that if he was a superhero, he would have to be known as Slightly-longer-arm man, since it was the one attribute that set him apart from others! 

Johnathan and his side-kick Andy then discussed how this attribute could perhaps be used in a practical way to catch the bad guys in some real-life scenario.  If for instance a robber was on the run with some loot and he came across Slightly-longer-arm man, he may have been so distracted by the freakish sight of a man with slightly longer arms, he may well of dropped the bag of loot, allowing Slightly-longer-arm man of course slightly longer time to arrest the villain and call the police. Or alternatively, Andy made the sensible suggestion that all Slightly-longer-arm man would have to do, would be simply to hold onto a villain at arms length with his slightly longer arms and then the robber couldn't fight back because even if the robber swung a punch at Slightly-longer-arm man he wouldn't have been able to reach!

With the release of Spiderman 2 last week, it got me intrigued as to what would you be called if you was a fictional superhero?  But, it has to be based on an attribute that is true, however ridiculous....and how would it help you to foil crimes?  Oh, and what costume would you wear?

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