Saturday 24 September 2016

The Camelot Challenge

To be honest, the Camelot half Marathon-being only 13 miles long, wasn’t really too much of a challenge, especially since I spent the first part of the week walking along an extremely torturous section of the SWCP between Dartmouth and Torquay.  This was easy in comparison. Nevertheless, apart from a few fraught moments when the maddest looking husky I’ve ever seen in my life turned up at the start-actually frothing-at-the-mouth-mad, and who in turn set off just about every other dog there, it was great fun taking part-once everyone had settled down, and the views were amazing!

Held annually in Sherborne, the walk itself is circular in design (which saves on the logistics of trying to bus all the competitors back to the start), and consisted of several hills, the most prominent being Cadbury Castle-which is one of the reputed sites of King Arthur’s Camelot, from which comes the name of the challenge.

On the day of the event, the sun dazzled, everyone I met was friendly, we were plied with as much cake as we could eat to keep our strength up ( obviously! ), the medal was well designed, and as a collective group we managed to raise over £2,400 for the charity Honeypot. I’m already looking forward to next year.